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Dr Hahn Publications



  • Fenet M, Layssol-Lamour C, Pressanti C, Briand A, Desquilbet L, Hahn H. Ultrasonographic findings may be useful for differentiating interdigital abscesses secondary to migrating grass awns and interdigital furunculosis in dogs. Vet Radiol Ultrasound 2023 Sep;64(5):920-929.
  • Touzet C, Hahn H, Gomes E, Bismuth C, Le Boedec K. Assessment of survey radiography as a method of diagnosing bilateral laryngeal paralysis in dogs. Vet Radiol Ultrasound 2023 Mar;64(2):183-193 


  • Gros L, Cococcetta C, Coutant T, Gomes E, Hahn H, Huynh M. Ultrasonographic evaluation of the coelomic cavity in Rhode Island Red hybrid hens (Gallus gallus domesticus). Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2022; 63:620-632 
  • Touzet C, Hahn H, Gomes E, Bismuth C, Le Boedec K. Assessment of survey radiography as a method of diagnosing bilateral laryngeal paralysis in dogs. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. Early view. 2022.


  • Escauriaza L, Reeve L, Hahn H, Granger N, Vandenberghe H. Brucella Canis discospondylitis in a dog imported into the United Kingdom from Romania. Vet Rec 2021; 9
  • Kilduff-Taylor A, Gombert A, Hahn H, Dempsey L. Sialocoele associated with the molar salivary gland in a British Shorthair cat. JFMS 2021; 7 


  • Sellier C, Hahn H, Gomes E, Bismuth C. Use of cavitron ultrasonic surgical aspirator for parenchyma sparing hepatectomies in dogs. Vet Surg 2020; 49:800-810 



  • Deroy C, Hahn H, Bismuth C, Ragetly G, Gomes E, Poncet C. A novel minimally invasive surgical approach for prophylactic laparoscopic gastropexy: study of 21 cases. JAAHA 2019; 55(3):152-159 
  • Lamoureux A, Fournet A, Hahn H, Pascal Q, Laloy E, Manassero M, Campos M. Primary hyperparathyroidism due to a cystic parathyroid adenoma in a cat. Open Vet J2019; 9 :109-113 
  • Zoller G, Hahn H, Di Girolamo N. Technological Advances in Diagnostic Imaging in Exotic Pet Medicine. Vet Clin North Am Exot Anim Pract 2019; 22 : 397-417  


  • Hahn H, Specchi S, Masseau I, Reinero C, Benchekroun G, Rechy Jaime, Seiler G, Pey P. The computed tomographic “tree-in-bud” pattern: characterization and comparison with radiographic and clinical findings in 36 cats. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2018;59:32-42 



  • Hahn H, Freiche V, Baril A, Charpentier J, Desquilbet L, Le Poder S, Servely JL, Laloy E, Pey P. Ultrasonographic, endoscopic and histological appearance of the cæcum in clinically healthy cats. JFMS 2017; 19:85-93 
  • Hahn H, Pey P, Baril A. Charpentier J, Desquilbet L, Le Poder S, Servely JL, Laloy E, Freiche V. Ultrasonographic, endoscopic and histological appearances of the caecum in cats presenting with chronic clinical signs of caecolic disease. JFMS 2017; 19:94-104 




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